
  1. Download the latest stable release of Peddler and place the peddler executable in your path. From the command line:

sudo curl -L “https://github.com/alto9/peddler/releases/download/v|peddler_version|/peddler-$(uname -s)_$(uname -m)” -o /usr/local/bin/peddler sudo chmod 0755 /usr/local/bin/peddler


pip install peddler

  1. Run peddler local quickstart

  2. You’re done!

This is what happens when you run peddler local quickstart:

  1. You answer a few questions about the Configuration of your OpenCart platform.

  2. Configuration files are generated from templates.

  3. Docker images are downloaded.

  4. Docker containers are provisioned.

  5. A full, production-ready OpenCart platform is run with docker-compose.

The whole procedure should require less than 10 minutes, on a server with a good bandwidth. Note that your host environment will not be affected in any way, since everything runs inside docker containers. Root access is not even necessary.

There’s a lot more to Peddler than that! To learn more about what you can do with Peddler and OpenCart, check out the What next? section. If the quickstart installation method above somehow didn’t work for you, check out the Troubleshooting guide.