
What should you do if you have a problem?

  1. Read the error logs that appear in the console. When running a single server platform as daemon, you can view the logs with the peddler local logs command. (see Logging below)

  2. Check if your problem already has a solution right here in the Troubleshooting section.

  3. Search for your problem in the open and closed Github issues.

Do you need professional assistance with your peddler-managed OpenCart platform? Alto9 offers online support as part of its Kubernetes Support Program.



Logs are of paramount importance for debugging Peddler.

peddler local logs –tail=100 -f

To view the logs from all containers use the peddler local logs command, which was modeled on the standard docker-compose logs command:

peddler local logs --follow

To view the logs from just one container, for instance the OpenCart server:

peddler local logs --follow opencart

The last commands produce the logs since the creation of the containers, which can be a lot. Similar to a tail -f, you can run:

peddler local logs --tail=0 -f

If you’d rather use a graphical user interface for viewing logs, you are encouraged to try out Portainer.