Peddler development

Setting up your development environment

Start by cloning the Peddler repository:

git clone
cd peddler/

Install requirements

pip install -r requirements/dev.txt

Run tests

make test

Yes, there are very few unit tests for now, but this is probably going to change.

Code formatting

Peddler code formatting is enforced by black. To check whether your code changes conform to formatting standards, run:

make test-format

And to automatically fix formatting errors, run:

make format

Static error detection is performed by pylint. To detect errors, run:

make test-lint

Common developer tasks

Generating the peddler executable binary

make bundle

Generating the documentation

pip install -r requirements/docs.txt
cd docs/
make html

You can then browse the documentation with:

make browse

Releasing a new version

  • Bump the __version__ value in peddler/

  • Replace “Unreleased” by the version name and date in

  • Create a commit with the version changelog.

  • Run make release: this will push to the default repo/branch for the current branch.

Contributing to Peddler

Third-party contributions to Peddler and its plugins are more than welcome! Just make sure to follow these guidelines:

  • Open a pull request on the Peddler repository or the corresponding plugin.

  • Make sure that all tests pass by running make test (see above).

  • If your PR is in the Peddler core repository, add an item to the CHANGELOG file, in the “Unreleased” section. Use the same format as the other items:


Where “TYPE” is either “Bugfix”, “Improvement”, “Feature” or “Security”. You should add an explosion emoji (”💥”) before “[TYPE]” if you are making a breaking change.

  • Write a good Git commit title and message: explain why you are making this change, what problem you are solving and which solution you adopted. Describe your use case. We love long, verbose descriptions :) As for the title, conventional commits are preferred. Check the repo history!

Happy hacking! ☘️